
Your words of wisdom minted as NFT's. Build your fame one quote, poem or story, at a time, as you share your wit and wisdom to inspire, motivate, educate, or just entertain the world.

"One great quote can make you famous" Dane Scarborough


Stop joke theft, Secure your jokes as NFT's.  Your jokes are encrypted, and can be unencrypted on-chain! Call out joke theft with absolute proof of date, time, and author– without compromising your material.

Iconic99 Jokes


Create NFTs from multimedia: audio, images, and video! Perfect for audience engagement and proving the authenticity of your original works, for only 99 cents each! It's a one time fee, for 99 cents you create lots of benefits.


Manage all your NFTs across multiple blockchains with Wallet99s! Creators, your customers who transact NFTs with traditional payment methods can access their collection with this app. View all your NFTs, including your collection of Iconic99s NFTs, with Wallet99s!

Benefits of Iconic99s

Iconic99s family of apps allow creators to create, protect, sell, and trade NFTs of their original materials, while proving the authenticity of their materials for a one-time fee of 99 cents!

  1. Protect Intellectual Property: One of the primary benefits of Iconic99s is that it allows creators to protect their intellectual property (IP). In the past, creators had to rely on traditional copyright laws to protect their materials or to pay expensive, often yearly, fees to prove the creation of their works. With blockchain and Iconic99s, this concern is covered, proving the originality of works forever on the blockchain and IPFS.
  2. Microeconomy NFTs: Iconic99s allows you to transact NFTs in ways to benefit your audience engagement and protection of your works. Our Iconic99s Link mechanism allows cross-blockchain transactions with stablecoins, allowing you to transact NFTs with traditional payment methods and across multiple blockchains!
  3. Royalties: Iconic99s includes a royalty structure for all NFTs. If you opt-in to this feature, it means that every time your NFT is sold or transacted, that you, as the original creator, will receive a percentage of the sale price.
  4. Staked NFTs: Our NFTs allow you to stake cryptocurrency, meaning you can add value to your NFT by adding cryptocurrency to it during the time of creation. This value stays with the NFT for its lifetime, and in case the NFT is ever destroyed, or "burned" in blockchain lingo, the cryptocurrency value will be automatically transferred to the original creator of the NFT. This mechanism allows you to add value to the representation of your original works for transactability and audience engagement benefits.
  5. Transparency: Your work on the blockchain can be highly useful to prove the originality and time of creation. The information is stored forever, and always transparent.

Iconic99s is a game-changer for creators, providing a secure, transparent, and lucrative platform for them to protect and monetize their intellectual property. Iconic99s is revolutionizing audience engagement with NFTs that are created, distributed, and monetized.