Using NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) for gaining notoriety and success as a creative writer involves leveraging the unique properties of blockchain technology to authenticate, market, and monetize your work. Here's a step-by-step plan to guide you through the process:

1. Understanding NFTs and Blockchain

  • Research Basics: Learn the fundamentals of NFTs, blockchain technology, and how they apply to digital art and literature. There are easy to understand articles covering NFT's and Blockchain, with focus on creative writers at
  • Explore NFT Platforms: Familiarize yourself with various NFT marketplaces (e.g., OpenSea, Rarible, Foundation) to understand where and how NFTs are bought and sold.

2. Conceptualizing Your NFT Project

  • Define Your Project: Decide what type of literary work you want to turn into an NFT. This could be poems, short stories, quotes, digital novels, in whole or in part.
  • Innovate: Think about how to make your NFTs unique. Consider adding images, audio narrations, animations, or interactive elements to your literary works.

3. Creating Your NFTs

  • Digitalize Your Work: It’s really quite easy. Visit this link to the App Store for a free download of Iconic99s App (your first NFT is free, and only .99 cents there after). Ensure your literary pieces are in a suitable digital format. High-quality PDFs, digital images, or interactive web formats are common choices.
  • Add Value: Enhance your NFTs with exclusive content or experiences, like personal readings, Q&A sessions, or limited edition covers.

4. Choosing a Platform and Minting

  • Select a Marketplace: Choose an NFT marketplace that aligns with your audience and the type of work you're creating. Look for platforms with a strong community in literature and art.
  • Mint Your NFTs: Follow the platform's process to "mint" your digital works as NFTs. This usually involves uploading your files, setting a price, and possibly creating a series or collection.

5. Marketing Your NFTs

  • Build an Online Presence: Use social media, blogs, and writer forums to share your journey and build interest in your NFT project. (please note that Iconic99s promotes your NFT’s if they are exceptional, at no cost to you.)
  • Leverage the Community: Engage with the NFT and literary communities by participating in discussions, sharing other artists' works, and attending virtual events or readings.
  • Collaborations: Consider collaborating with visual artists or musicians to create multidisciplinary NFTs that can appeal to a broader audience.

6. Selling and Secondary Market

  • Launch: Plan a launch event for your NFTs, which could include a live reading, auction, or Q&A session.
  • Royalties: Take advantage of NFTs' ability to provide ongoing royalties from secondary sales. Set a royalty percentage to earn from future transactions.

7. Legal and Financial Considerations

  • Understand Copyrights: Ensure you have the rights to all elements of your NFTs and understand how blockchain transactions impact copyright and ownership.
  • Tax Implications: Be aware of the tax implications in your jurisdiction related to selling digital art and NFTs.

8. Continuing Engagement

  • Post-Sale Engagement: Keep engaging with your buyers and the community. Offer updates on new projects, behind-the-scenes content, and exclusive offers to NFT owners.
  • Expand Your Portfolio: Continue creating and minting new works, experimenting with different genres or formats, and listening to feedback from your audience.

9. Evaluation and Adaptation

  • Analyze Performance: Use analytics tools provided by NFT platforms to track the performance of your NFTs.
  • Adapt and Innovate: Based on feedback and performance, adapt your strategy. Consider new collaborations, platforms, or types of literary NFTs.

By following these steps and continually engaging with the community, you can use Iconic99s NFTs as a unique medium to share your literary work, gain notoriety, and achieve success in the digital art and NFT space.

~ Dane Scarborough is Co-founder of Iconic99s NFT Apps.~