There's a new NFT on the Block.

We are Iconic99s.  Through the use of NFT's, we are dedicated to helping creative people protect and profit from their creativity.

We are fierce advocates for protecting your creativity, original thought, and intellectual property. These are embodied as digital rights that we deliver in the form of bona fide NFT's, the gold standard in digital proofs, all at the affordable price of 99 cents. In other words, there may be no better way for you to prove an idea is yours than to mint it as an NFT at a specific time– time is of the essence.

While others sell expensive NFT's that range from $17 - $1000+ and in an environment where some apps are issuing fake test-net NFT's without any warning or notice, our aim is to simplify the journey of our customers with ease-of-use and trust.

You can rest assured your most cherished and valued ideas, your intellectual property, are attributed to you as an actual blockchain NFT with a secure timestamp that seals and protects your rights.

That's not the case with fake test-net NFT's, your timestamp and claims to originality are seriously at risk. Your ideas are published on a non-production system and viewable by anyone while there's no protection because the minting date will change at one or more points in the future. Protection from minting an NFT occurs by proving rights were vested or registered at a specific time in a manner that is always available for proof. A test-net token does not provide these benefits.

Test-net tokens are not guaranteed, the data can be lost anytime, and there is no bona fide NFT until it is minted on a production blockchain system. In the best case scenario, test-net tokens may result in the minting of an actual NFT (almost always at high prices) at an arbitrary, random, and unknown time in the future under a process known as "lazy-minting". This means that in the meanwhile, someone can mint a real NFT from another's test-net data (that is publicly viewable and accessible), and since they were the first to mint the token on an actual blockchain, the assets and rights may become theirs. The wrongdoer will always be able to make the claim their token was minted before the actual author's NFT, and this may be presented as evidence that they are the rightful owner over the property of another ... don't let this happen to you, especially now that you know!

Mint your Quote, Poem, or Short Story in less then two minutes

Time is of the essence when you are protecting your idea. Secure your idea with a real NFT to prove it was created by you at a specific time.

Otherwise, why pay tens or hundreds of times more for the same level of protection? Iconic99s' Ethereum compatible NFT's live on the privacy-centric Oasis Rose Protocol with trusted and proven reliance. Our patent-pending system makes it as quick, easy, and affordable as possible to use the blockchain.


Adding royalties to your NFT.  It's an option you can add on the checkout page for $1 USD, and of course, you can choose the amount of royalty.  It's an amazing tool because it allows you, down the road, to sell your NFT while retaining publishing and usage rights. For example, let's say you minted a quote, poem or story and added a 10% royalty to the NFT, and then sold that NFT for (name amount). It's still your material (meaning you can still use the quote, poem or story as you wish, you've only sold the NFT of that material (its digital birth certificate).  As your reputation grows, so does the value of that NFT, and each time it's sold, you'd receive a 10% royalty of the sale price. FYI: We're currently in development of a unique marketplace that will make listing and selling your NFT's easy and seamless.

Adding ROSE to your NFT. New Iconic99s NFT's (IconicQuotes, Iconic Jokes, and Iconic Media) can be now be backed by ROSE with the press of a button. We are the first company to make this option available. We look at this as an investment in the creativity and originality represented by each of you (the creators) using our unique platform and tokens.

With us, you can sit back and relax knowing your ideas, creativity, and intellectual property are protected on the blockchain with conic99s, at the low price of .99 cents for ERC-721 NFT's, and $1.99 for royalty NFT's minted with the new cross platform standard ERC-2981 NFT's. That's what defines us. Our services bring blockchain to the masses, and our patent-pending methods that make it happen are on the cutting edge of science and technology.