One great quote can make you a legend...

If you're really famous, your words of wit and wisdom might be attributed to you. For the rest of us, there's Iconic Quotes, Poems & Stories.   You can own your quotes (the fruits of your creativity) starting today, in the form of blockchain NFT's. And, if your quote is witty, clever, inspiring, or motivational, we'll help build your fame, by promoting you and your quote.  Note: Your first NFT is free.

Iconic 99s NFT’s are secure Ethereum compatible  NFT’s that live on the “Main-Net”, blockchain, NOT an Ethereum test net, or some unsecured private hackable servers.  

Iconic 99s NFT’s are really ease to mint, in as little as 60 seconds, and you don’t have to invest in crypto currencies, or have a crypto wallet to protect and own your unique quotes.  

Iconic 99s NFT’s are an incredible value at .99 cents.  The current price of minting an Ethereum NFT on the main-net changes depending on the computing demand, from $35 - $1000+.  

Iconic 99s NFT’s are promoted across social media, which builds your name, your brand, your fame and your legacy.

The primary value here is claiming and protection of your intellectual property (IP) and the secondary value is the actual value of the NFT itself.

On a green note: Oasis Rose vs Ethereum, is 10,000 times greener, 1000 times cheaper, and 100 times faster. It's a no brainer.  

NIFTY99s NFT’s are promoted across social media, which builds your name, your brand, your fame and your legacy.


Adding royalties to your NFT.  It's an option you can add on the checkout page for $1 USD, and of course, you can choose the amount of royalty.  It's an amazing tool because it allows you, down the road, to sell your NFT while retaining publishing and usage rights. For example, let's say you minted a quote, poem or story and added a 10% royalty to the NFT, and then sold that NFT for (name amount). It's still your material (meaning you can still use the quote, poem or story as you wish, you've only sold the NFT of that material (sort of like its birth certificate).  As your reputation grows, so does the value of that NFT, and each time it's sold, you'd receive a 10% royalty of the sale price. FYI: We're currently in development of a unique marketplace that will make listing and selling your NFT's easy and seamless.

Adding ROSE to your NFT. New Iconic 99s NFT's (Iconic  Quotes, Iconic Jokes, and Iconic Media) can be now be backed by ROSE with the press of a button. We are the first company to make this option available. We look at this as an investment in the creativity and originality represented by each of you (the creators) using our unique platform and tokens.